Aloha and welcome!
Halau Ho'oulu I Ke Kapa under the direction of Kumu Hula Leimomi Kiyono.

Kumu Leimomi is a graduate of Hula from Kumu Hula Puluelo Park. Under the tutelage of
Kumu Hula Puluelo for twenty odd years, Leimomi was taught all aspects of Hula; oli,
kahiko ( hula 'olapa ), and 'auana ( modern hula ). She has also performed as a dancer
through out the state of Hawai'i and Japan. The experiences gained throughout the years
has led Leimomi to take her education and knowledge to another level: teaching.
This Halau was started with the main thought in mind to teach the Hula of our ancestors.
Learning Hawai'i through song and chant instills the deep respect of this beautiful land
and culture. With that thought, the mission of the Halau became clear: to provide a strong
foundation and encourage the continual study, understanding, and love of the hula and
other polynesian dances. Hawai'i is very multi cultural and recognizing our polynesian
cousins like Tahiti through dance is important to continue the link between lands. Therefore,
the Halau will also be teaching other polynesian dances to stimulate and educate the dancer.

The dancer is an integral part of story telling our past, present, and future.
The sway of the hips, the rise of the eye brow, the beautiful smile, and a
twinkle in the eye, all tell a story. The dancer through hard work and sweat
shall be able to look agile and graceful. Hula is not an easy dance to
learn but when accomplished Hula becomes second nature and becomes
part of our lives. It is part of the " Aloha Spirit" which makes Hawai'i
unique from any other land ( Hint: Hula dancers love to gesture with their
hands, body, and use lots of facial expressions especially when they are
asked directions!). Although Hula is a very disciplined dance,
there is also fun and laughter. Working with one another, creating new bonds of friendship,
and learning to love oneself and others instilled the goal of the Halau. The goal of the halau
is to empower each individual with the abilities to work with others as well
as utilizing learned skills to enrich their lives with the beauty and discipline of the hula.
Each class ( papa ) has been named accordingly. Ages 3 to 6 years old are papa Liko.
Liko is the bud of a flower or leaf. At this age the students will begin to "grow"
as they learn simple hula steps and stories of old. Ages 7 to 12 years old are
papa Lehua. The Lehua is a beautiful flower prominent in Hula folklore.
In this class, students will blossom with the love of the hula and hula steps
become a little more difficult. Ages 13 to 17 years old are papa Mamane.
Teen years are the most trying years for students and parents. The Mamane is a
beautiful sturdy yellow and its wood is very strong. When the flower is picked
it is very fragile and it needs special care or it will wilt fast. This is
like teenagers today. In this class, students will learn the importance of
learning the Hawaiian culture, its dance, and through sweat and discipline
will develope a strong backbone. Ages 18 years and over are papa Mamo.
The mamo is a beautiful yellow annual . In this class, whether new or
seasoned, all aspects of the hula will be touched upon. Our papa Kukui
are the kupuna or senior of the Halau. Kukui represents strength and enlightenment.
This class are for those that need a little cardiovascular exercise and pure le'a le'a.

Volunteering her services to our papa Mamane class will be
Kumu Kapualani McElroy. Kumu Kapualani also graduated
from Kumu Hula Puluelo Park a few years ago. As a sister Kumu Hula,
she has gracefully volunteered to teach the papa Mamane
The honor of her presence to teach the teen class is greatly appreciated.
Last but not least, Halau Ho'oulu I Ke Kapa would like to
recognize Kumu Hula Puluelo Park for her inspiration, humbleness, and love
in her teaching of the hula to all her graduate Kumu and students. Also, mahalo ke Akua
for all the blessings and love bestowed upon the Halau, 'ohana ame na hoaaloha.
Halau Ho'oulu I Ke Kapa welcomes you to our family and thank you for
choosing us as your dance studio of Hula and Polynesia.
Let's Hula!