First name:
Last name:
Hawaiian Name:
Email address:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Phone: (home, cell)
Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy) :
In Case Of Emergency (Name, Relationship, Phone) :
Choose Class

Halau Policy

1. Payment - Registration Fee:

$50 one-time charge for all new members

Cash or check is accepted.

Please make checks out to Halau Ho'oulu I Ke Kapa.

There are no monthly fees.  If you wish to make a monetary donation, please see Kumu.

2. Attendance:

If you are absent for 3 class sessions without notice to Kumu, you may be terminated without any notice to you.

If you are terminated and wish to continue classes, you will be required to pay the re-enrollment fee of $25.

3. Resignation Policy:

You may resign at any time. There are no refunds.


4. Insufficient Funds:

If your check is returned for insufficient funds, you will be assessed $25, in addition to any bank fees incurred by the halau.